Monday, June 23–Friday, June 27, 2025

Registration is now open for the new and expanded MYS Summer Extravaganza!

Join us for a vibrant and immersive weeklong day camp for orchestral musicians entering grades 2–HS grad.

Experience full rehearsals, sectionals, music history classes, and guest artist performances. The week culminates in an informal concert on Friday at 12:00 PM that is open to the public.

  • Schedule: 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Monday—Thursday; 9:00 AM–1:00 PM Friday

  • Tuition: $435 camp fee. Reduced fees are available—please contact us for scholarship information. Sibling discounts for families enrolling multiple students.

Summer String Orchestra

This ensemble is designed for advanced beginner/intermediate string musicians entering grades 2–9 (Suzuki Books 1–5). It is open to violin, viola, cello, and bass players. No audition is required for placement in the String Orchestra.

  • Director: Patricia Kelly

  • Registration Deadline: Monday, June 16. String Orchestra enrollment is capped at 40 participants—early registration is encouraged.

Haydn Chamber Orchestra

This select ensemble is designed for advanced string, woodwind, brass, and percussion musicians at the Repertory Orchestra level or above. This ensemble will rehearse and perform selections of chamber orchestra pieces including Symphony No. 103 (“Drumroll”) by Franz Joseph Haydn. Due to the instrumentation of the chamber orchestra, a limited number of positions are available.

  • Director: Mark Mandarano

  • Priority registration is open to students in grades 11 and below currently enrolled in MYS Repertory and Symphony Orchestras. The priority registration deadline is March 15, 2025. A $100 non-refundable deposit will be due to hold the priority spot. An audition is not required for priority registration.

  • General registration for students not currently enrolled in MYS, and for MYS 12th graders, opens March 19, 2025. Students not currently in Repertory or Symphony Orchestras will submit a brief video recording for placement in the Chamber Orchestra, to be reviewed in the order received.

Chamber Orchestra Instrumentation

  • 16 violins

  • 5 violas

  • 6 cellos

  • 3 basses

  • 2 flutes

  • 2 oboes

  • 2 clarinets

  • 2 bassoons

  • 2 horns

  • 2 trumpets

  • 1 timpani

“I am looking forward to seeing kids from last year, new members (tell your friends), and even kids from our Philharmonic orchestra who want to get a lot of sightreading under their belts! I would love to have any string player who is at the end of Suzuki book 1 or beyond sign up. See you in June!"

~ Patricia Kelly, Camp Director