All five MYS orchestras rehearse at Macalester College in the Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center on Saturday mornings September through April. Rehearsals include regular sectionals with professional specialists in each instrument area. Music Theory classes are offered for all students, either during part of their regular rehearsal time (for String and Wind Orchestras) or as an optional course outside of rehearsal (for Philharmonic, Repertory, and Symphony Orchestras) at no additional fee.
If you are interested in observing an MYS rehearsal, please contact us!
Rehearsal Location
Macalester College - Janet Wallace Fine Arts Center
130 S Macalester St
St. Paul, MN 55105
2024–25 Rehearsal Times
Repertory Orchestra | 8:15 AM–11:30 AM
Symphony Orchestra | 8:30 AM–11:45 AM
Philharmonic Orchestra | 8:45 AM–11:30 AM
String Orchestra | 11:00 AM–1:15 PM
Wind Orchestra | 11:00 AM–1:15 PM
2024–25 Trimester Dates
First Trimester: Saturdays, September 7–November 2 (9 weeks)
day-long retreats for all orchestras on Saturday, September 28
Second Trimester: Saturdays, November 16–February 8 (9 weeks)
no rehearsals November 30, December 21 & 28, January 4
Third Trimester: Saturdays, February 22–April 26 (10 weeks)