A Concertmaster’s Perfect Record
Liv is a violinist, Co-Concertmaster of the MYS Philharmonic Orchestra, and a 7th grader at Dakota Hills Middle School. She studies violin with Matt Williams.
In her fourth season with MYS, Liv has accomplished a remarkable and almost unbelievable feat—she has attended over 100 MYS rehearsals in a row without a single absence. This fall, she was selected as concertmaster of the Philharmonic Orchestra, a position that recognizes her dedication, growth, and passion for music.
Taking on the role of concertmaster has been an exciting motivator. “I was jumping up and down when I found out,” Liv recalls. “It told me that I have to work really hard now and that has driven me a lot. I have more of a responsibility: supporting everyone and everyone supporting me.” To fulfil that responsibility, Liv practices every day with the goal of leading her section and performing at her best each Saturday. Her teacher for the past six years, Matt Williams, shares, “Liv is an absolute delight to work with. She shows up for lessons prepared, curious, with a sense of humor and ready to learn more.”
Liv’s musical journey began at age 7 on a half-size violin. A literal measure of Liv’s growth, both musically and physically, is on display in Matt’s studio. When she first started playing in the summer of 2019, Matt marked her height on the wall. Soon after, in-person lessons were put on hold and instruction took place online (or sometimes in Matt’s backyard). When she finally returned to the studio, both Liv and her teacher were astonished to see that she had grown 7 inches! She now plays a full size violin, but the evidence remains: “They haven’t painted the wall since—they painted around that little spot,” Liv explains proudly.
Liv’s devotion to MYS is rooted in community. She loves the friends and conductors at MYS who continually help her improve, and she’s quick to acknowledge her teacher and family as key players in her success: “I have not missed a rehearsal because I don’t want to fall behind. It helps that my mom and whole family and teachers support me.” Liv also credits violin for boosting her confidence. Despite initial nerves during her first performance as concertmaster, Liv is looking forward to future opportunities in the spotlight. “At the first concert I was like, ‘what if I trip on a chair walking out!’”