The Power of Musical Connections

Whether your musical journey began in your school music programs or through private lessons, you likely can already think of several people who have influenced you, and peers who became your friends because of your common goal of creating great music! When I reflect upon my many years of musical experiences, I am reminded of the countless people who have influenced me along the way and become lifelong friends, and I am thankful that music has provided a gateway to find these common bonds.    

We are all involved in music because we love the music itself, but it is the people we encounter while participating in music who truly have the power to shape those experiences, leave lasting memories and create lifelong friendships! When I scroll through my list of facebook friends (yes, I am SO old that facebook is my preferred social media platform…) 470+ of my facebook friends are friends directly because of music—as for the rest, aside from family and those I’ve met through my other passion of figure skating, I have met them all as a result of the path my life has taken because of music.  

When I interviewed for my very first orchestra teaching position in 2007, I recognized one of the teachers on the interview panel from when I was a student at the Minnesota All-State Band Camp. Not only was this someone I knew and admired greatly, but he even remembered me and we shared some fond memories of All-State. This made for a nice icebreaker and made the interview much more relaxed (and I got the job!). To this day, we remain friends. 

You never know when a simple interaction may lead to a lifelong friendship or even help you along your career path. Take every chance you get to connect with the people around you; learn from them, get to know them, and enjoy the opportunity to engage in the shared passion of music-making!

Kelly DeMorett is the MYS Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor.


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